Discover more

Immerse yourself in luxury at our multi-award-winning sanctuary, nestled between the Twelve Apostles Mountain Range and the Atlantic Ocean, just minutes from Cape Town. Experience breathtaking coastal views, exceptional dining, rejuvenating spa treatments, and explore the natural beauty that surrounds you. Discover the unparalleled elegance of The Twelve Apostles Hotel & Spa by visiting our official website.

Video tour

Watch our video to discover how The Twelve Apostles Hotel and Spa provides a tranquil retreat between the majestic Twelve Apostles Mountain Range and the sparkling Atlantic Ocean.

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Book your stay

For more information, please call our dedicated reservations team on +44 (0) 808 196 8893 or US Toll free + 1 833 477 8313 or

To search for our hotels in the GDS, please use chain code: RN.