Say NO to plastic
Take a look at the sustainable measures we have implemented to remove plastic from our hotels.
01 Oct 2019
Take a look at the sustainable measures we have implemented to remove plastic from our hotels.
01 Oct 2019
At Red Carnation, we are actively working to eliminate single-use plastics. Over the last 12 months, we have found replacements for the following items of single-use plastic.
1. Shower caps
To be replaced using either reusable or sustainable material which will biodegrade in 300 days.
2. Shoeshine
Shoeshine (including the mitt) will be presented in a non-laminated box without plastic wrapping
3. Wrapped emery boards
Glass nail files that are not wrapped in plastic will be made available upon request.
4. Sewing kits
The sewing items will be presented on a cardboard structure, inside a non-laminated box without plastic wrapping
5. Cotton buds
Plastic cotton buds will be replaced by buds with a paper/wooden stick and not packaged in single-use plastic.
6. Cotton pads
Organic cotton pads will be provided in a non-laminated box without plastic wrapping.
7. Lip balm
Lip balms that can be purchased will be in tin or glass packaging.
8. Afternoon Tea cake boxes
Our cake boxes will consist of paper and will no longer be lined in plastic.
9. Turndown and confectionary sweet bags
To be replaced using either reusable or sustainable material.
10. Red Carnation carrier bags
Red Carnation carrier bags will consist of paper and will no longer be plastic lined.
11. Wet wipes
All baby wipes, disinfectants and makeup removal wipes are to be eliminated.
12. Earplugs
We have replaced our plastic earplugs with reusable and/or recyclable alternatives.
13. Sanitary bags
To be replaced with sustainable material such as paper or compostable bags.
14. Combs
To be replaced with bamboo combs.
15. Nail brushes
If supplied they will be made of wood/bamboo and without nylon bristles.
1. Drinking straws
We have replaced drinking straws with reusable and/or recyclable alternatives.
2. Cocktail stirrers
We have replaced cocktail stirrers straws with reusable and/or recyclable alternatives.
3. Takeaway coffee cups and lids
Replaced using either reusable and/or recyclable alternatives.
4. Plastic water bottles
We offer sustainable water bottle options to our guests.
5. Staff canteens cups and cutlery
In our staff areas we have eliminated plastic cups and cutlery.
6. Single portion packets of food
We have removed single portion plastic packets of items such as butter, jam and Nutella. This also includes breakfast cereal boxes which have a plastic inner bag and yoghurt pots.
7. Plastic pens
Although plastic pens could be deemed as multiple-use, they are a single-use commodity. We have provided a more sustainable alternative.
8. Envelopes with plastic windows
These will no longer be used externally or internally in our hotels.
9. Pedal bin liners
Plastic bin liners will not be used for lining individual bins in offices, bathrooms or staff areas. These will not be replaced with non-plastic alternatives, as these materials could have a detrimental impact on staff's ability to recycle their contents.
10. Coasters
We use reusable or recyclable alternatives such as leather, cotton or paper with wax coated back.
11. Linen and towel delivery
We are working with our outsourced laundries (bed linen, towels and restaurant linen) to ensure that our laundry is collected and delivered without single-use plastic packaging.
12. Toothbrushes
Plastic handle toothbrushes have been removed and replaced with bamboo. There is currently no alternative available to replace plastic toothpaste tubes but finding a suitable solution will remain a key focus.
13. Guest dry cleaning bags
Hotel staff no longer collect guest laundry in plastic bags. These have been replaced with a fabric alternative using natural materials such as cotton or jute.
14. TV remote control bags
We no longer place sanitised remote controls in plastic bags. A paper wrap (using recycled paper) is used instead to inform guests the remote has been sanitised.
15. Kitchen piping bags
Alternative reusable or recyclable materials have been sourced as a replacement.
Read more about our latest partnership with Winnow Solutions and Floris who are helping us achieve our sustainable aims.