The characters of the Castle: Cindy Mullarkey
Meet Cindy, our Accounts Assistant at Ashford Castle who is a cherished team member.
27 May 2022
Meet Cindy, our Accounts Assistant at Ashford Castle who is a cherished team member.
27 May 2022
What is your role at Ashford Castle?
Accounts Assistant.
What was your background before you worked at Ashford?
I was born and raised in South Africa. After completing high school I studied in Cape Town for three years and graduated with a diploma in PR Communications.
After graduating, I worked part-time in the front office in a busy city centre hotel. During this period, I realised I loved working in the hospitality industry.
What was your first experience of Ashford?
I first joined the team as a waitress in the George V Restaurant.
After working as a waitress, I then began developing as a hostess. After a year, I was proudly promoted to Drawing Room Supervisor.
What were your thoughts when you saw the Castle after its restoration?
I was in awe. A lot of hard work, time and effort went into restoring the Castle, which has culminated in establishing a workplace that is a pleasure for both guests and staff.
Tell us something about Ashford that we may not know?
A time capsule was buried on the grounds in the year 2000. It is filled with ‘Ashford treasures'.
What makes Ashford so special?
The friendships that are made here. So many of our guests continue to return to us and enjoy meeting the staff they have got to know so well over the years. Some of the closest friends I have made are the ones I have met during my time in Ashford Castle.
What does a typical day at Ashford look like for you?
My day starts with checking emails and following up on any urgent queries.
I reconcile the daily sales from the day before, ensuring sales from all departments within the hotel are balanced. The rest of the day is spent doing day-to-day tasks. I ensure I keep good communication with all departments, to ensure all financial systems are functioning effectively.
What is your favourite part of your role?
I really enjoy that I get to interact daily with so many of my fellow colleagues, from all departments. No day is exactly the same.
What do you do to relax when you're not working?
I love just spending quality time with my family and friends. Photography is my favourite hobby, so I seize any possible opportunity to take pictures when I can!
What three words would you use to describe Ashford?
Extraordinary, distinctive, magnificent.
What has been your proudest achievement?
I have had many. However, this year I reached the milestone of having worked at Ashford Castle for 25 years. I have always been so very proud to be associated with Ashford and 25 years is like the icing on the cake for me!
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