We were so proud to see our Founder and President Beatrice Tollman honoured with the 'Corporate Hotelier of the World' award by HOTELS magazine, at an inspiring virtual ceremony hosted by Jeff Weinstein, Editor in Chief.

The magazine highlighted Beatrice's dedication to her craft and her 'unwavering determination to deliver the best of everything.'

'You have your ups and downs in business, but you stick together, face everything and you just work with a determination,' Beatrice told HOTELS. 'And I suppose that’s the most important thing, the determination and creating high standards. It has been a very, very busy life.' 

William Tomicki, editor and publisher of Entrée Travel Newsletter and a friend of the Tollman family, says, 'I have met many, many hoteliers. All talk about hospitality, personal service and attention to detail. But none can compare with Mrs. Tollman — she is the gold standard for excellence. She truly understands these concepts and delivers on them.'

Tomicki added that one of Beatrice's great qualities is how she cares about and inspires her staff. 'She emphasises unsurpassed training and total teamwork. She teaches by example each and every one of her team to try and understand the ever-evolving needs of her Red Carnation guests and empowers them to treat all with the utmost respect.

'Mrs. Tollman has marvellous people skills. She is a total diplomat, always upbeat and perpetually enthusiastic… This is a most gracious woman whose relentless pursuit of perfection is apparent from the moment a guest steps into the embrace of a Red Carnation hotel.'